
How I Work



Publications, Lectures and Exhibitions


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“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”
C.G. Jung
Krystyna Sanderson portrait



I am a licensed psychoanalyst with a Doctorate in Psychology and an extensive postgraduate psychoanalytical training from the Blanton-Peale Graduate Institute in New York. I have been an instructor at the Psychoanalytic Training Institute of the New York Counseling and Guidance Service, the Blanton-Peale Graduate Institute and the Harlem Family Institute. I am also a supervisor of psychoanalytic students and a dissertation adviser of doctoral students. I hold a certificate from the Couples Therapy Training and Education Program of the William Alanson White Institute, and am a certified facilitator of Prepare/Enrich therapy for couples. I welcome both individuals and couples in my practice.

In my work with clients I employ the theories and findings of several major currents of psychoanalytical thought, including Object Relations, Self-Psychology and Jungian focus on dreams and creative imagination. As a psychoanalyst who is also a visual artist, I use symbols and images in my sessions when they can be an aid to the healing process. While employing the classic methods of psychoanalytic treatment, and respecting the diverse belief systems and faith backgrounds of my patients, I also address the spiritual component of emotional healing. Having a European upbringing and education and living in the United States for many years, I bring a diverse psychological, cultural and sociological understanding to my work with clients from many different backgrounds.

I write and lecture regularly on topics dealing with psychoanalysis and the spiritual life, with couple and family issues, with art, and with the application of psychoanalysis to larger social and historical issues. I am a contributing author of the Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion and am the author of a photo essay, Light at Ground Zero: St. Paul’s Chapel After 9/11. I am a member of the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis (NAAP).